Yukimura Haruki
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Yukimura Haruki had already as a child a great interest in Kinbaku.
As a young photographer Yukimura soon began using rope art in his work, and his images and film was changing and became of a more erotic nature.
Over time Yukimura spent more time tying rope in front of a camera than actual photographing. Today Yukimura is behind the production of at least 3000 Kinbaku movie and several Kinbaku books of a very high standard. In addition to his professional business, Yukimura also taught his friends in various techniques and taught them how to communicate with their partner using rope only. Yukimura developed a unique binding technique, which today is known as Newaza.
Within the last 10 years Yukimura has allowed a number of western people to obtain insight into these special techniques. In 2012, a workshop was held in Copenhagen Shibari Dojo. More than 50 participants from around the world were taught by Yukimura. It was the first time Yukimura was teaching outside Japan.
In Japan, Yukimura is a highly respected Bakushi. A Bakushi is a rope artist, and a large number of Japanese Bakushi’er (those known in the West) have all been passing through Yukimuras gym.
In Japan, binding techniques are used to generate “shame” on the bound partner. – Also called shuuchinawa. It is this special facial expressions characterized by humiliation and shame that the Japanese like – That’s why the undisputed king of shuuchinawa is Grand Master Yukimura Haruki.
Yukimura Ryu
Learning the Yukimura way of rope play.
The Yukimura-Ryu, or Yukimura way of tying, is different from the hard, torturous sort of rope bondage that is called semenawa in Japanese. The Yukimura way of tying is a gentle, loving style of bondage that I call aibu no nawa (caressing rope) I have developed my style of tying to give the partner more stimulation and pleasure from the rope. Caressing rope is all about love, but don’t be fooled by the name: it is also diabolical.
Over the years, while teaching friends to tie, I have learned how to teach my style of tying in ways that are easy to understand. It is my hope that learning the Yukimura way of rope play will enrich your relationship with your partner and help you both find new ways to expressing your emotions and love.
“Caressing with rope” means to tie using your control of the tension on the rope to transmit your emotions to your partner. How much love can be expressed in the few square meters in which you tie your partner? How much anticipation can you create?
There are three essential elements in the Yukimura Way of Rope:
Controlling the tension on the ends of the rope. (Nawa-jiri)
The tie you select.
Admiring and appreciating the pose in which you tie your partner.
Proper control of the ends of the rope involves use of the angle of the rope between you and your partner; the distance you place between you and your partner, and the tension you keep on the rope.
I use three types of ties: ties that change and evolve: ties that utilize an anchor point, and ties that do not use an anchor point. The best place for the “Rigger” to stand is either behind or next to the model. Please keep in mind that there are more than 100 possible positions. Once you have learned the basics, please develop and enjoy you own style.
Proper appreciation takes into account the position from which you admire your partner, including the distance at which you position yourself. The way you speak to your partner during and after the tying is also very important. Do you whisper sweet words? Do you say things that will embarrass your partner? Do you utilize verbal humiliation?
In the Yukimura Way of tying you use all three elements to communicate and exchange emotions with you partner. There is no limit to the possible combinations once you have learned the basic foundation of Yukimura Ryu.
Yukimura Haruki.