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Yukinaga Max


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Yukinaga Max Sensei 雪長

Max has since 1995, along with his wife Tina, had a great interest in the genuine Japanese Kinbaku.

Through tutorials, workshops and seminars all over Europe and by a greater and greater immersion in the Japanese segment, they were presented with one of Japan's largest bakushier (Japanese Bakushi) Osada Steve 長田スティーブ.In the next five years Yukinaga acted as the Deshi for Osada Steve.

Max has two senseis: The now departed Grand Master Yukimura Haruki 雪村春樹 (1948-2016) and Osada Steve 長田スティーブ


Over the years it developed into a deep friendship and a great mutual inspiration for all parties. This has naturally led to studies in history, culture, Japanese language and not least a deep understanding of the people in and behind the Japanese Kinbaku enviroment.


The friendship with Osada Steve and Yukimura Haruki has lead them to Japan many times and lead to hundred of hours, training with not onley his two senseis, but also several of the major Japanese Bakushier, like Miura Takumi, Nawashi Kanna ect. The many hours of hard work and deep connection and dedication to the Sensei are prerequisites for being able to master and gain a full understanding of the ancient techniques.


(Yukinaga always say: Know the man behind the tie, and eventually you will understand the technique)





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